Business consultancy

With more than 40 years’ experience between us, we understand how businesses tick. We’ve spent years sitting in board rooms around the world looking at the way top teams solve business problems. We’ve seen what works and have a good understanding of what may not – recognising that climate, culture, timing and a fair wind all have their part to play.

This experience means that we can bring fresh thinking to existing business problems. We’ve worked across a wide range of sectors and either directly or through our network of affiliates, we can help connect your business to new customers, investors, suppliers, employees or reach the right journalist, politician or official.

Drawing on our coaching and communications background, we make sure that, whatever you’ve got planned, you engage with peoples’ hearts as well as their heads – the emotion as well as the logic. Failing to bring people with you can have disastrous business consequences. Being a trusted partner, supplier, local member of the community or employer is key to long-term performance.


I’ve recently invested several months in a business opportunity and wanted to use some of that time to invest in my skills – in particular to review and develop how I personally communicate with, inspire and motivate others. I immediately thought of Fiona, and certainly made the right decision.”… [read more]
(Richard Cave-Bigley, Director, Epanecho, formerly Business Developer, BP Alternative Energy)

Here’s some areas where we can support you:

  • Business strategy and planning sessions
  • Facilitating Leadership Team meetings or training events
  • Helping small-to-medium-sized businesses apply for finance
  • Acting as an honest, independent ear when dealing with controversial or sensitive issues
  • Sharing our experiences of working in the energy and financial services sectors
  • Helping with the communications engagement for planning applications
And if we can’t help you ourselves, we’re happy to connect you with our network of business specialists including accountants and tax advisers, IT gurus and human resources professionals.

Just to give you a few ideas, here’s some work we’ve done in the past:

  • Acting as communications representatives on company mergers, acquisitions, restructures, in-sourcing/outsourcing, market withdrawals/product launches and asset sale projects
  • Helping new businesses to get established and advising new companies before approaching venture capitalists or banks for financing
  • Developing a marketing plan for an independent company trading under an international brand
  • Providing ideas to a charity on how to secure additional funding and encourage more users of its services
  • Negotiating a reduction in supplier costs for an automotive manufacturer
  • Undertaking research to introduce environmental evaluation as part of a vendor-rating system