Sarah Robinson – Shell

shellWhilst I was working at Barclays, I had reached a point in my career where I had stalled. I knew I wanted to be an internal communicator, but I didn’t know how to progress further in that career or how to go about making a change. Then I met Fiona.

I soon came to regard her as my mentor and over a period of 18 months she coached me to a point where I had the confidence to change companies and secure a position with double my previous salary.

Fiona has a remarkable ability to see things in others that they don’t see in themselves. She saw me, not for what I currently was but what I had the potential to be and her coaching helped me to see that for myself. Her questions made me think more widely and deeply than I had before, but she didn’t give me all the answers – she help me find them for myself. As a result I was able to step out of the box that others in the company had put me in. I developed and grew in my technical capabilities and as a person. It was hard work as times, but, boy, was it worth it!

I would recommend Fiona as a mentor & coach to anyone who knows that they need a change in their life (personal or career). I would also recommend her to anyone managing a team that they know can perform even better, but are just not sure how to tap into their potential.

Sarah Robinson, UK Head of Internal Communications, Royal Dutch Shell

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