Programmes and tools

All our coaching work is specifically tailored to the individual. Within that, we have created a number of core tools and programmes that provide some useful ‘handrails’ to support helpful conversations.

Contracting Programme

All one-to-one coaching begins with a Contracting Programme. This is a series of sessions that do two things. They help you to understand who you are at this point in time and what’s important to you. They help us to understand the same, plus get a sense of what might be holding you back and what might help you.

The sessions can take anywhere from 6-12 hours depending on what comes up. Usually, if people have had personal coaching before, they tend to move more quickly through the process. (Our brain works like a muscle in some senses, so if you are used to sitting with certain types of questions, you are likely to access your answers quicker.) But there is no prizes for pace. It’s all about listening to what you need at this point in time.

Usually, the contracting process facilitates the conversation needed to put together a tailored programme of work. In some cases, a client gets exactly what they need from the Contracting Programme (i.e. to reconnect) and they are done!

Pearl Programme

Some people are born with a profound sense of knowing how they want to spend their time in the world. It is unlikely that Mozart would have needed much career coaching!

For many people, although born with a multitude of gifts, if their home, school or work environment hasn’t encouraged these to emerge, then the Pearl Programme can really help.

Drawing heavily on the work of thought leaders such as Ken Robinson, Martin Seligman, Scott Dinsmore, etc. and combined with highly sophisticated psychometric tools, the Pearl Programme is all about helping you get a sense of ‘what am I really good at’ and ‘where next’ from a career perspective.

It’s about spending time finding where that little bit of grit, that irritates for change, has become the most beautiful, shining pearl. And then bringing it up to the surface.


Coaching retreats

We’ve found that when people want to make significant change happen quickly, they really benefit from being in an environment that profoundly supports them in this process.One that helps them to get balanced, that supports their mind, body and essential energy, that moves between thought and experience, that gives perspective and that grounds them when needed.

Based in beautiful, rural North Wales, we offer our clients retreats which are tailored to their specific needs. These are usually two to three days and involve one-to-one coaching sessions, intermixed with activities such as yoga, walks on the beach/in the mountains, energy work, meditation, massage. If people want more active pursuits, then we can arrange these too. All agendas are co-created with the client to suit their needs at the time.



We work with local providers to support us and accommodation options ranges from beautiful rural cottages in secluded locations, through to five star B&Bs with views of the mountains.

Direct trains from London take just over two and half hours and there are two international airports an hour or so from us. We’re happy to organise any food and drink that you require for your stay, should you need it, so you can arrive and just relax.

A spa experience for the mind, business, body and soul. Isn’t it about time…?

Workplace Big Five and Schoolplace Big Five (CENTACS)

The Workplace Big Five is for all adults, working or not, over 21 years old. The Schoolplace Big Five is specifically aimed at young adults (12 – 21 year olds), who are at a key stage in their development and life choices.

Workplace Big Five

The tool provides an explanation of your personality at work. It looks at aspects such as how you manage stress, how you deal with sensory stimulation, how energising you find new experiences, how you defer to others and how you focus on work goals.

It provides insights into how to help you perform at your best – holistically.



For example, your profile provides information about what your individual body needs to maintain long-term balance and health. This allows you to build plans or select careers that will truly support you at all levels.

Schoolplace Big Five

Knowing early on how you like to learn can help you get the most from your school experience, as well as potentially from further education. Knowing what work would truly energise you can help you step onto the career ladder in a direction that is right for you. We have found the Schoolplace Big Five facilitates truly meaningful and holistic career conversations.

There are a number of psychometric tools on the market. All of them provide various insights into who you are and how you work. What we find most useful in the Workplace Big Five and also Schoolplace Big Five is they:

  • have statistical and psychological rigour (globally)
  • are specifically designed for the workplace/career environment, but their insights can be applied to other environments and relationships in life
  • measure your natural energy or capacity, rather than capability
  • make links to your physical and mental health and provide pointers to areas that may need some attention
  • can be used for many situations: development, career decisions, selection and recruitment, team behaviour, leadership development etc. and the majority of reports across these areas can be created from one 25 minute online questionnaire

The questionnaires are simple to complete and facilitate a wealth of information. Used in the right way, this data can provide insights into many areas – how you naturally like to work, learn, make decisions, build relationships, manage stress, lead, develop – all within a context of how to do this in a way that supports your long term physical and mental health.